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Lighting Candles: An Introduction to Color Light Therapy

goud blog light therapy

Imagine darkness all around. Complete blackness. Not a trace of anything to be seen…….

Then, in this darkness a candle flickers. The wavering light pulses across the dark like a signal beacon. There is a pause, then gradually a response: another candle kindles. These two are then joined by another, and those three by yet others. And others.

After some time, patterns emerge in the lights: a network forms.  A tangible electricity shoots across the darkness from one part of the network to another. This electricity becomes a well-organized grid. The candles speak with other candles on the grid. They exchange light. The darkness in between is transformed.

This scenario of lights could be part of a movie set in moorish country of Southwest England in the 1400’s, complete with Druids and a desperate population sending messages from hillock to hillock on a dark rainy night, or a take out of the latest Star Wars space adventure, just before the latest Death Star eliminates the last refuge of the Princess. Even more interesting, however, is the surprise understanding that this scenario is happening right inside our bodies. Right now.

If we could look into the cells of our bodies, we would see them floating in a dark ambient fluid, commonly known as the extracellular matrix.  This fluid would be dark, but if we had eyes to see, we would notice small, or even large flashes of light emerging from the cells. Especially large light would come from cells just before they give birth to a new cell, or just before they die. According to the research of German physicist Dr. Popp, our cells emit bio-photons, tiny particles of light energy. Dr. Popp describes these bio-photons as coherent, ultra-fine particles of light with a color usually in the lower end of red and infra red spectrum. Close examination of the cells’ light reveals that most of it orignates in the DNA of the cells, and then is dramatically amplified by the complex structures in the cell walls.

Through this extremely fine radiation of light our cells talk to each other. They network, and co-operate in such a way as to surround the body with a living field of color-coded information.

For a long time science had assumed that our bodies’ communication system was along the nerves of our nervous system. However, in recent years this notion is being replaced with a much more expanded sense of body communications.  Communication is now seen as something that happens within and through fields of bio-energy.  Robert Becker, author of The Body Electric, demonstrated that the body’s electrical fields govern the way the body heals itself. The vast information necessary to guide tissue repairs is not carried from the nerves; it is too much for the nerves to carry all the information needed to reconstruct cells and tissue. Instead the information for growth and repair comes from light mediated communication between the DNA in the cells and the bio-electrical fields surrounding them.

Since Becker, much research has shown our bodies generate many electromagnetic energy fields, some of which are light.  Light is the most delicate energy form, and appears to carry the essential information which shapes the way we grow. It literally is our “blue”print. This blueprint guides our development the same way a blueprint for a building tells the contractor where to put the doors. The information is stored in the DNA in our cells and is broadcast through the cell walls in fields of light which extend out beyond our bodies.

Perhaps this is why color lights have been one of the oldest, and one of the newest, forms of healing. Our bodies recognize light because, like touch, light is a natural language. It is inside us. We live in it, we live according to it.

As well, our eyes and skin take in visible light and naturally translate it into bio-energy patterns which make us feel hot or cold, active or relaxed. The colors we see around us are known to ignite feelings and thoughts and many subtle processes in the endocrine system.

Shine colored lights on the skin, and we will respond all the way from cells to psyche. Blue light will help control pain and infections, yellow light will stimulate digestion. Green light can reduce swelling. Red light accelerates growth and warmth.

Further, blue light can bring peacefulness. Red light courage. Yellow light leads to clear thinking. Orange light brings optimism. Violet light opens inspiration.

Color has a way of touching people right in the center, in the place where emotions and thoughts and body originate.

As a therapist with many years experience of experimenting with deeper and more effective ways of reaching people, I still recall my first teacher’s statement:  “Don’t fight with darkness, better light a candle.”

The truth and beauty of this teaching eventually brought me to the new healing art called Samassati Colortherapy.

Samassati Colortherapy is the art and science of shining colored light on acupuncture points and other energy pathways. In Europe, doctors, dentists, and therapists have found that color applied to the acupuncture points has the ability to resonate deeply inside each person, to reach the light sources inside. Like a tuning fork, the pure colors offered to the body initiate a series of resonances which evoke responses on many levels. As the body comes “in tune” with the colors, fresh information comes into the cells, endocrine system, nerves, and brain wave patterns. The color treatments themselves are gentle, and can last anywhere from 10 seconds to thirty minutes.

When touched by light, the body operates at a higher level of integration. We feel an inner lift. People frequently experience themselves surrounded by an aura of vibrancy and clarity.

With a light bath, it is easy to remember the truth of our inner light. We can sense our source, our being-light. From this clarity, often many troubling situations simply fall away, like when we are looking for a door in a dark room, and then someone brings a candle.


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