Workshops with Nishant Matthews are unique events of discovery. Each of them provides situations where you can safely let go of old beliefs, and make contact with the fresh, clear places inside yourself where you find inspiration, guidance, love and truth. You will learn Heartskills for sharing from your inner truth, and also the support you need to discover a fresh alignment to the people and world around you.
You can expect opportunities for deep renewal, and the eyes and heart that go with it.
I feel so good after the workshop today. Alive and soft and open and strong. Very pleased and content. Very grateful for having been there. (I was very happy that it was scheduled on a Tuesday!) I gladly join in next spring!
Thank YOU!!! Everybody I spoke with about the Art of Friendliness were really moved and inspired.
“Thank You Nishant for creating a little space of light in my life and Thank You for being my friend and for encouraging me to be my own friend. Love you so much, always have.
I can only speak for myself when I say that through your presence I met a greater Presence and day after day that makes me a very grateful human being.
Can’t resist to sent you this mail.
I am so grateful for all this. I have never felt so much love, desire and passion going through my body and heart. Tears just keep flowing. It feels like my being is coming through and shakes my old ground. Thanks for the deep loving humanity you bring with you. It’s guiding me to places I didn’t knew existed.
Dear Nishant. I want to thank you for your presence at the workshop. For me it was amazing to be met like you did. And the session I had with you gave me more strength to embrace my aloneness – now I can actually enjoy it and I can see and allow myself and my boundaries a lot more. For that I am really grateful – it is a big change for me. Especially to do it and still being social with people. and without judging myself. Thanks a lot. I hope the chance to meet you again, one way or the other. Love and light