Heart & Soul Energetics

Training, 27-28 September 2024

With Akhail (Nishant) Matthews and John van der Rest
Berg & Dal, The Netherlands
27-28 September 2024

This training offers you two one day seminars that are complete in themselves, and also cumulatively stronger when done together.


“Inside every body, there is somebody.”


The View

Good therapists of all kinds know how to relate with that somebody.  Especially what beats in the heart and flows through the soul.

The Training

In this training you will dive deep into the energy qualities of the heart (September 27) and Soul (September 28).  You will be given clear, understandable tools for discovering the ways of heart and soul.

Each teaching segment is fully supported by simple, practical exercises where you come to experience and know what is being taught.


Heart Energetics – September 27

In the physical and energetic bodies, the heart is at the center.   It is to our body what sunshine is to the earth.

Your training will specifically include:

-The Felt sense of the heart: activating living heart intelligence
-Breathing for heart awakening: the kind of breath that takes us into the heart
-Master mantra for heart love-wisdom, especially appropriate for self-understanding
-Three essential positions for understanding and unlocking heart potential
-Three main blocks to heart potentials


Soul Energetics – September 28

The soul in us is like the living core of a big, old tree. It is rooted deep in the earth, and extends high into the sky.

Our soul is the key to re-claiming our true individuality. It is in our true individuality that we live in fulfilling relationships of all kinds, especially with people we come to recognize as soul family.

Our training will specifically guide you into:

-Breathing for soul
-The felt sense of your Soul
-Core connection with who you are born as, who you are born to be
-Meaning and purpose in life from the soul’s point of view


Practical information

Where: Casa de Madeira, Park Hotel Val Monte, Berg en Dal, the Netherlands
Timing: 27-28 September 2024. Each day from 10.00-18.00h. Tea and snack provided.
Team: Akhail Matthews, John van der Rest.
Contribution: €250 for both days, €150 for individual days. Receipts provided on request.
Bank info: Empowering Presence  IBAN NL64BUNQ 2052 158 073
To register: welcome@heartpresence.nl
Discounted rooms at Hotel Val Monte available. Request one on booking in reference to their arrangement with Patrick Matthews and the workshop.