footsteps sea workshops maitri

Earth Changes and Personal Experience

The last several months have seen an unprecedented amount of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions around the world.  Japan, Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea, US, England, North Pole, and Mexico are some of the hot spots.  In the…
awakenings blog
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A New Birth is Happening Now

Early morning earth light.   The sound of two birds rustling in the tree nearby my tent, and the more distant sound of horses running on the hard earth.  Just after 3 AM. There are four of them in my tent.  I am surprised.  Never…
light therapy health
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Light Therapy for Learning Support

One new field of research for enhancing the texture of education is with light, especially colored light. Light has the ability to naturally turn on receptors in our brain and cells, where new information can be assimilated. Further, each color…
discovering mind psychology

The Discovering Mind

Recovering the natural intelligence in people A Discovering Mind is a natural form of intelligence in everyone. It is the ideal kind of intelligence for any and all human issues, for times of change, for creativity of all types, and for recovering…